ZF 6HP19 / 6HP21 Automatic Transmission – Spare Parts Catalog Type Plate Information The type plate is located on the main housing of the transmission. 907 A C ZF 6HP19 BMW/Jag Code 1071 010 xxx ZF 6HP19X Code 1071 020 xxx 6 SPEED RWD (Full Electronic Control) Revision 04/2012. ZF 6HP Transmissions - Mechatronic Sealing Sleeve Seepage MODEL E53, E60, E61, E63, E64, E65, E66, E85, E90, E91, E92, and E93 vehicles with ZF 6-speed 6HP19/21 or 6HP26/28 transmissions produced up to 04/08 SITUATION Transmission fluid seepage is visible in the area of the transmission oil pan. In most cases, only an oil.
AL AIR MANU REP 6 HP 26 ZF GETRIEBE GMBH SAARBRÜCKEN ersion V 02/11/01 CD subject to alterations y yright 2002 all rights reserlished b ed and pub Cop v ZF Getriebe GmbH, Saarbrücken, Depar tment MKTD y for y be reproduced or transmitted in anNo par m or t of this manual ma ying and recording, y means, electronic or mechanical, including photocop y an b y pur for anxpress written per pose without the e mission of ZF Getriebe GmbH, Saarbrücken Printed in Gery man Contents ance Adv Infor mation iii 1. General 1.1/1 1.1 Illustration of transmission 1.1/1 1.2 w er diag flo wram o P 1.2/1 1.3 Specif ications 1.3/1 1.3.1 w Scre speciifcations 1.3/1 Mechatronic type E 1.3/1 Mechatronic type M 1.3/1 1.4 Adjusting procedure 1.4/1 1.4.0 Measuring clutch packs procedure 1.4/1 1.4.1 Clearance setting, e brak C snap ring 1.4/3 1.4.2 Clearance setting, e brak D snap ring 1.4/5 1.4.3 Clearance setting, clutch B snap ring 1.4/7 1.4.4 Clearance setting, A clutch snap ring 1.4/9 1.4.5 Clearance setting, clutch E snap ring 1.4/11 1.4.6 Clearance output disk 1.4/13 1.4.7 Clearance input disk 1.4/14 M type y onl 1.4.8 Switch setting detent spring 1.4/15 1.5 ightening ques tor T 1.5/1 1.6 ransmission test T test bench 1.6/1 1.7 Special tools 1.7/1 1.8 w char osition Oilflo t N P 1.8/1 E type 1.8/1 M type 1.8/2 2. y l Disassemb 2.1/1 2.1 y ransmission l according disassemb T to component g roups 2.1/1 Dismantling 2.2 ur ret with A Tand clutches E 2.2/1 2.3 Oil y suppl 2.3/1 2.4 Clutch B 2.4/1 2.5 es Brak C and D 2.5/1 2.6 Output shaft with parking lock 2.6/1 2.7 ransmission casing T with shift control and parking lock 2.7/1 3. y l Assemb 3.1/1 3.1 ransmission casing T with shift control and parking lock 3.1/1 3.2 Output shaft with parking lock and planetar y gear set 3.2/1 3.3 es Brak C and D 3.3/1 3.4 Clutch B 3.4/1 3.5 ur e ret v with A dri and clutches T E 3.5/1
Zf 6hp Pdf Software
AL AIR MANU REP 6 HP 26 ZF GETRIEBE GMBH SAARBRÜCKEN ersion V 02/11/01 CD subject to alterations y yright 2002 all rights reserlished b ed and pub Cop v ZF Getriebe GmbH, Saarbrücken, Depar tment MKTD y for y be reproduced or transmitted in anNo par m or t of this manual ma ying and recording, y means, electronic or mechanical, including photocop y an b y pur for anxpress written per pose without the e mission of ZF Getriebe GmbH, Saarbrücken Printed in Gery man Contents ance Adv Infor mation iii 1. General 1.1/1 1.1 Illustration of transmission 1.1/1 1.2 w er diag flo wram o P 1.2/1 1.3 Specif ications 1.3/1 1.3.1 w Scre speciifcations 1.3/1 Mechatronic type E 1.3/1 Mechatronic type M 1.3/1 1.4 Adjusting procedure 1.4/1 1.4.0 Measuring clutch packs procedure 1.4/1 1.4.1 Clearance setting, e brak C snap ring 1.4/3 1.4.2 Clearance setting, e brak D snap ring 1.4/5 1.4.3 Clearance setting, clutch B snap ring 1.4/7 1.4.4 Clearance setting, A clutch snap ring 1.4/9 1.4.5 Clearance setting, clutch E snap ring 1.4/11 1.4.6 Clearance output disk 1.4/13 1.4.7 Clearance input disk 1.4/14 M type y onl 1.4.8 Switch setting detent spring 1.4/15 1.5 ightening ques tor T 1.5/1 1.6 ransmission test T test bench 1.6/1 1.7 Special tools 1.7/1 1.8 w char osition Oilflo t N P 1.8/1 E type 1.8/1 M type 1.8/2 2. y l Disassemb 2.1/1 2.1 y ransmission l according disassemb T to component g roups 2.1/1 Dismantling 2.2 ur ret with A Tand clutches E 2.2/1 2.3 Oil y suppl 2.3/1 2.4 Clutch B 2.4/1 2.5 es Brak C and D 2.5/1 2.6 Output shaft with parking lock 2.6/1 2.7 ransmission casing T with shift control and parking lock 2.7/1 3. y l Assemb 3.1/1 3.1 ransmission casing T with shift control and parking lock 3.1/1 3.2 Output shaft with parking lock and planetar y gear set 3.2/1 3.3 es Brak C and D 3.3/1 3.4 Clutch B 3.4/1 3.5 ur e ret v with A dri and clutches T E 3.5/1